
A selection of my articles and publications. Visit my blog for my latest thoughts


Join the dots: The role of apprenticeship intermediaries in England: a report for IPPR looking at UK and international practice and making recommendations for English skills policy

Adopting Global Skills Innovation for the UK: a report written with the RSA looking at different models of vocational skills policy and implementation worldwide

The Failings of Universal Credit / Universal Basic Income, lessons for the UK: 2 companion briefings exploring UC’s problems and whether UBI principles can offer a solution, for Autonomy

articles and briefings

Disabled benefit claimants are being unfairly targeted by a secret algorithm, an article for Huck Magazine

How gig workers are surveilling their employers, an article for Huck Magazine

What impact might Brexit have on low paid and low skilled workers? A ten-minute read briefing

A rapid review of low pay and progression evidence
Who is in low paid work, and what works to help them progress?

From Utopia to Implementation: How Basic Income has progressed from radical idea to legitimate policy solution
MSc dissertation summary

Is Basic Income a sticking plaster or a solution? Blog written for the RSA

How has Basic Income progressed from radical idea to legitimate policy? Blog written for the RSA,

Free money wouldn’t make people lazy - but it could revolutionise work Guardian article

Basic Income’s transition from radical idea to legitimate policy article for Basic Income Earth Network